Relationships & Compatibility Score Lookup | 2x Person Point Analysis

Relationships & Compatibility Score Lookup | 2x Person Point Analysis


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"Hey everyone! Tosh here. I personally LOVE when things are clear and straight to the point. Let's dive right in on what this is." - Tosh Bradley. πŸ˜ƒ


What This Purchase Includes:

Personalized phone session with Tosh Bradley directly (Me - Your esoteric guide 🎟️).

  • Clarity specifically on Vedic astrology, focusing on two people's birth charts. Person 1 and Person 2 are analyzed together to determine their levels of compatibility. Whether they are romantic partners (lovers) or business partners, Tosh can assess how well these individuals connect and whether their relationship will stand the test of time.

  • Relationship compatibility based on both people's birth times (ALL details included).

  • Analysis of how the two people operate together.

  • Insights into how the two people feel about each other.

  • Understanding of how the two people relate to each other.

  • Evaluation of how the two people communicate together.

  • (IF ROMANTIC LOOKUP): Assessment of sexual compatibility.

  • (IF ROMANTIC LOOKUP): Evaluation of obsession compatibility, whether present or absent.

  • (IF ROMANTIC LOOKUP): Assessment of communication compatibility.

  • (IF ROMANTIC LOOKUP): Analysis of compatibility in parenting or political views.

  • (IF ROMANTIC LOOKUP): "The 5x Kuta system" - To see if the universe supports the relationship.

  • (IF ROMANTIC LOOKUP): "The 5x Kuta system" - To identify the energetic leader in the relationship (NOT based on masculine or feminine energy).

  • (IF ROMANTIC LOOKUP): "The 5x Kuta system" - Comprehensive analysis to determine the potential longevity of the relationship.

  • (IF ROMANTIC LOOKUP): "The 5x Kuta system" - Evaluation of the possibility of marriage and the extent of this possibility.

  • MOST IMPORTANT: Comparison of both people's planets to explore every intricacy of how they will care for or repel each other over time, especially once the "honeymoon phase" ends and the chemicals of obsession subside, allowing reality to set in.



What Is Required (MUST):

For a precise and tailored analysis, the following information is crucial for all parties involved:

  • Exact Date of Birth.

  • Exact Location of Birth (City & State).

  • Exact Time of Birth (As recorded on the birth certificate). This cannot be UNKNOWN.

Please Note: Accuracy is paramount in Vedic astrology. Without the specified birth details, it's impossible to provide the depth and precision Tosh's readings are known for. Ensure you have this information ready to unlock the full potential of your relationships.

Service Delivery:

  • Tosh commits to responding within 24-48 hours of your query (email) or purchase directly off the site.

  • Tosh will contact you within this timeframe to schedule your session and provide the answers you are searching for.

  • Choose your preferred platform for content delivery and session delivery: Phone, Email, or WhatsApp.

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Β© Tosh Bradley (SGA) 28

Β© Tosh Bradley (SGA) 28

Β© Tosh Bradley (SGA) 28